Voice feminization – Sounds really feminine

We at the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER want to help you to make your voice sound “more feminine”. Your voice has a huge impact on how others perceive you. The feminine appearance alone does not protect you from mistakenly perceived as a man on the phone, or irritating your opponent in direct conversation. We want to improve the lives of transsexual women and help you to succeed.
A voice-feminization in the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER consists not only of the operative raising of the voice (glottoplastic), but of a whole package of interlocking measures. The aim is a voice that, in the overall context of speech, has all the feminine qualities that make up a real feminine voice.

An example of how the voice can sound before and after a voice feminization operation by Prof. Markus M. Hess.

The MEDICAL VOICE CENTER is a renowned clinic that specializes in voice-feminization operations. We take a lot of time for every single patient, listen carefully and do not give up until we understand all your worries and sensitivities.
Prof. Markus M. Hess carries out voice-feminization operations every week, a total of about 30-50 glottoplastics per year. He gives lectures worldwide and is a leader in the research of surgical methods and therapy-accompanying measures. The voice feminization therapy developed by Prof. Hess in collaboration with leading speech, voice and speech therapists is tailored to the needs of trans-women.

Modern, cosmopolitan and highly professional

The MEDICAL VOICE CENTER is located in Hamburg and is easy to reach by plane and train. Hamburg is a vibrant city known for its international and safe atmosphere.
In the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER the diagnostics and therapy area are physically separated from the state-of-the-art operation center. When you first enter the voice-clinic, the bright, modern feel-good atmosphere and the interior design with its design elements convey a welcoming and cheerful ambience that does not remind you of a clinic. Here, the preliminary talks, examinations, aftercare and the voice therapies are carried out. The Operation Center (AOZ), about 200 meters away, is equipped with the latest equipment of a state-of-the-art hospital.


Preparing your surgery

The voice-feminization begins with a detailed interdisciplinary initial discussion together with the operating surgeon Prof. Dr. med. Markus M. Hess, as well as the treating speech therapist (voice and speech trainer) Birte Heckmann. This interview will also analyze the potential need for preoperative vocal therapy. Our treatment package ‚voice-feminization’ comprises interdisciplinary history taking with a physician (ENT doctor) trained in voice disorders / phonosurgery and a logopedist specially trained in clinical voice disorders / vocal coaching. Diagnostics include videostroboscopy, endoscopy, electroglottography, electroacoustic voice analyses, perceptual voice assessment, voicerange profile, Acoustic Voice Quality Index, Voice Handicap Index / Transsexual Voice Questionnaire, and further tests. Subsequently a detailed briefing and discussion are offered. In case of surgery, a consent form is handed out explaining in detail all options for the following feminization laryngoplasty procedure.

Surgery and aftercare

Surgery is carried out ambulatory from Prof. Hess. The operation will take place in the Operations Center (AOZ) about 200 meters further away. There we work together with very experienced and highly qualified medical staff. After the surgery “Glottoplastik” under general anesthesia, the postoperative monitoring follows in the recovery room. After about 2 hours, we conduct the follow-up examination in the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER with postoperative video laryngoscopy and detailed after-care consultation and discussion of the following steps. As a general requirement in Germany, all patients receiving general anesthesia need an accompanying person for a 24 hour period.
The next day you come to the re-phoniatric check-up and the further concrete scheduling. We discuss the follow-up examinations in the following months (according to individual agreement).
Your therapeutic care includes pre-and / or postoperative speech training or speech therapy according to personal needs. We offer you up to 10 sessions, individually planable also in double lessons, in blocks and / or in connection with the medical follow-up. Postoperatively, after the “release” of the voice by Prof. Hess, the first voice training takes place after 2 weeks. In exceptional cases, a therapy via Skype is possible; Due to the limited personal contact or limited intervention possibilities, we prefer the on-site training in our clinic.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

How long am I not allowed to speak after the operation?
Do I have to book a hotel in Hamburg before and after the operation?
When can I eat and drink?
When can I start doing sports?
How long does it take for my voice to sound more feminine after surgery?
Can I pay for my operation by credit card or check when I arrive?
What happens if I am sick at the time of the planned operation?

How long am I not allowed to speak after the operation?

In the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER we recommend an adequate mechanical stimulation of the vocal folds in the early healing phase, since, according to recent research, this leads to better functional results. In other words – direct postoperative whispering is allowed.

By definition, whispering is a kind of unvoiced speech in which the speech sounds are not formed with the sound of the voice. It’s a noise, not a sound, unlike the voice.

Absolute vocal silence we consider only limited and maximum for three to five days. As a rule, our patients are allowed to whisper in a low voice.

The recommendation to be silent for several weeks after a voice feminization operation and never to whisper is widespread, especially in Asia. Many colleagues feel safe with this recommendation, because the total vocal range is difficult to verify. Thus, possible, unsatisfactory results, always be justified by a non-observed speech prohibition.

Do I have to book a hotel in Hamburg before and after the operation?

es, that’s the best. The day before and the day after the surgery, please come again for a phoniatrischen follow-up examination and further concrete scheduling. We discuss the follow-up examinations in the following months (according to individual agreement).

When can I eat and drink?

After a glottoplasty everything can be eaten and drunk. Avoid the consumption of very spicy foods; Dairy products, nuts and red wine promote the formation of slime. In addition, there is a risk of reflux in case of wrong nutrition. Observe yourself what is (not) good for you, everyone reacts differently.
Drink sufficient, preferably (still) water, which ensures well-moistened mucous membranes.

When can I start doing sports?

After a glottoplasty you should do without sports for about 6 weeks. Caution with weight training:
To stabilize, the body uses the vocal fold closure. Pressing exercises (for example strength training, heavy lifting but also intercepting movements, for example in balance exercises) can endanger wound.

How long does it take for my voice to sound more feminine after surgery?

Only after a healing phase, which can last at least 14 days, if not a few weeks, a voice feminization is achieved.
Experience has shown that there is a slight, temporary swelling of the tissue immediately after the operation, so that the voice that can be heard directly after the operation will not already be the permanent state.

Can I pay for my operation by credit card or check when I arrive?

No, unfortunately you can not. We only accept bank transfers or cash payments.

What happens if I am sick at the time of the planned operation?

If you can present a medical certificate certifying that you can not be operated on due to a physical condition, the operation will be postponed for free.
