Medical expertise

Prof. Markus M. Hess
Medical expertise

Dr. med. Susanne Fleischer
Medical expertise

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Müller
Research, Acoustics, acoustic studies

Birte Heckmann
Speech therapist and independent voice and speech trainer

Jale Papila
Concert and opera singer and teacher of singing

Jacob Lieberman
Osteopath & Psychotherapist, Specialist, Management Vocal Crisis
Medical assistant

Valentina Müller
Medical assistant
Main tasks: Co-operation in reception, assistance with patient care and surgical interventions in local anesthesia, care of patient records

Britta Unger (with Eros Ramazotti)
Medical assistant
Main tasks: Co-operation in reception, organization

Candan Eren
Medical assistant
Main tasks: Assistance with patient care and surgical interventions in local anesthesia, cooperation in the evening consultation

Valentina Müller
Medical assistant
Main tasks: Co-operation in reception, assistance with patient care and surgical interventions in local anesthesia, care of patient records

Jessica Konetzny
Medical assistant
parental leave