Muscle Tension Dysphonia

Diagnosis and treatment APPLYING Laryngeal Osteopathy

Rationale and hands-on course using laryngeal physical treatment – Workshop

Jacob Lieberman

5./6.. October 2019

Language: English
Workshop-Fee: 690 €
Contact and Registration:
At the end of the 2 days course participants will receive a certificate and a pdf of the presentation.
The basic course is 2 very intensive days.
A teaching day is two 3 hours sessions. 1hr lunch break and 2 coffee breaks.
Size of group is limited due to close supervision.
It is open to practitioners (Laryngologists, SLP, Massage therapists, and Physiotherapists with interest in voice)
Who can attend?
Non-practitioners who are interested in practical singing physiology like voice coaches/singing teachers , and professional voice users, singers, will find this course useful for the diagnostic part and referral criteria.
The course covers detailed review of the elements that are required for healthy professional voice.
It includes the functional anatomy of the larynx, breathing  apparatus, posture and will touch on the psychology of voice problems.
The course demonstrates and trains “touch” therapy that is used for examination, diagnosis, and treatment of voice symptoms. Additional use of palpation is to get insights and understanding of the patient’s emotional states of mind.
The course is based on lectures and a good deal of hands-on practice,  studying laryngeal function for diagnosis and introductory  techniques.
Subjects such as vocal folds examination, what professional singers need, so called, bed-side diagnosis things to listen to in the absence of camera are discussed.
The course combines theory, years of clinical experience in practice.
The aim being the development of sensitive palpatory skills so that examination and treatment becomes “tissue specific” to the level of the individual muscle or joint.
The final aim is for participants to have a good knowledge and understanding of the laryngeal mechanisms, and to be able to physically examine the larynx. Once palpatory skills are at a satisfactory level, specific techniques become much more efficient, tissue specific, SAFE and most importantly, can be tolerated by the voice patient.
The subjects covered in details: 
Posture related voice problems
TMJ complex
Supra-Hyoid mechanism
Floor of mouth
Base of tongue
Middle constrictor
The hyoid bone
Inferior constrictors
Thyro-hyoid mechanism
Crico-thyroid muscles and joint
Inferior straps
Breathing mechanism so called support
Some psychological aspects behind voice symptoms